poniedziałek, 11 listopada 2013

Interview skills.

At the end of my college education I started thinking about the steps that I`m going to take in a search for another job. Preparing a CV is obviously the first step. When the application is successful we have to think about how to perform at the job interview. 
Without doubts job interview is a stressful experience for every job seeker. It is a meeting of an employer and a potential employee during which a potential employee is evaluated for prospective employment. The main purpose of a job interview is to determine whether or not the applicant is suitable for work. This decision has to be made in a very short time – during the interview. This is the only chance the applicant has to persuade the employer that he  is  the right candidate for employment.  To fully use this chance the potential employee should be well prepared for the job interview.
There are some general tips to increase the chance to succeed in interview.
Before the interview you should find out some information about the interview itself.
Where it will be held? What will be the form of the interview?
The information should be provided by the interview invitation, if not it is possible to call the organization and ask for it.
On the day of an interview  you have to make sure that he has all the papers required. You should have a copy of the invitation and your CV. A good idea is to take a notes with the bullet points of the question you want to ask. 
You have to bear in mind that the first impression is very important a job interview. It can make a big difference as the first judgment makes by the interviewer  is going to be based on how you look.
Decide about your outfit in advance. The outfit should be appropriate to the position you are going to apply for. The main thing is to look presentable, the outfit should be neat.
Before the interview you should think what could you say about yourself  which is relevant to the job.
The job specification can be used as a guidance for you to talk about your skills, work experience, qualifications and personality. Because there are probably many people applying for the same position you should think what could distinguish you from others.
Knowledge about  the job on offer and the employees profile let you stay on track while talking about yourself. Everything you say about yourself should be relevant to the job.
During the preparation for a job interview you should find some time to do research the company which could be your prospective employer. Employers expect you to know some facts about the company.

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